Why? because they are linked
I post this particular equation a lot online because I’ve studied it.
Hellenism+Imperialism+Iconoclasm=White supremacy
The person above me mentioned fascism which is a good parallel to make. People don’t understand that imperialism is a system of control with many working parts. It also has evolved into the modern word colonialism. I think it’s quite easy to see how colonialism and white supremacy would be linked.
The Anglo Saxon caste system was heavily influenced by the Catholic Church because of their relational dynamics in England. People in 2021 are still not fully aware. Western religion is a tool of imperialism. There is no imperialism without Christianity. Catholicism to be more direct but Protestantism tried out its hand at religious imperialism with the American colonies.
The New Testament is a book that has seen many edits based on the government in power.
In Roman times it was Jesus saying, “Pay your taxes unto the Caesar.”
In Medieval times it was “ Obey the Lord of the manor, which is your god.”
In America it was, “ Slavery is ordained by god.”
Now I don’t know for sure if this is simply knowledge passed on by ruling elites of how to use that particular imperialistic tool or if immoral people just act similarly throughout history?
I suppose we will never know without inventing a conspiracy theory of some kind.
Next, we need to move on to iconoclasm which was something I learned about in the last two years.
In layman’s terms it’s a system by which the conquering body demonizes the religious and cultural aspects of the conquered culture. And in many cases simply destroys them. There are many examples throughout history of cultures that preceded the Romans doing this but I think we can agree the Romans did it best.
An example of ancient iconoclastic practices is the baphomet. It use to be a symbol of fertility but was then twisted into a symbol of the devil.
A more CE example of iconoclasm would be how the Catholic Church demonized religious symbols tied to paganism.
Do you remember the Roman persecution of the Jews?
It’s a part of history people know about but often forget. In fact, the entire New Testament which was used as a system of state control was influenced by these wars.
The Romans were master propagandist. They did things like round up all the Jewish literature and burn it. Which is why the Dead Sea Scrolls was a monumental find from that time period. Because literally they burned everything else.
The Roman emperors were in the business of deifying themselves. So they would do things like invent miracles they had performed in the past. Which is why Jesus is highly suspect. Because some of the miracles the emperors had invented for their own past was found later attributed to Jesus.
The Romans were geniuses. They were the inheritors of not only the Greek mysteries but they also were stimulated by so many different cultures. Because they absorbed cultures into the empire they had a huge multicultural hub of knowledge to draw from. From Egyptian philosophy, Greek philosophy and knowledge from the Orient. This is the only aspect of the Romans that I think the white supremacist is hell bent on ignoring. The Romans were multiculturalist in that they enjoyed and used many different aspects of different cultures to build a very colorful empire. While at the same time we see the insidious idea begin to take shape. The idea that empire( civilization) is superior to tribalism. I don’t mean tribalism in an ethnic sense. I mean it in a pagan sense. This very key defining behavior tied to imperialism is what allowed for the Anglo-Saxon colonialists to destroy any cultures they deemed “barbaric or uncivilized.” All minted by the mighty hand of religion. For me Western religion and iconoclasm are the same thing.
So you see the destruction of culture (iconoclasm) through the control of the mind found its unique mutation during the Roman Empire.
To explain it further as far as I can tell up to that point iconoclasm was primarily perpetrated through the physical destruction of literature, gods, cultural icons etc…But during the Roman Empire we see a new evolved iconoclastic structure.
One where they not only engage in physical destruction but mental.
We see it first used on the Jews. The Romans didn’t just burn all their sacred texts. They also replaced them with their own system of control more in line with Roman values and Roman supremacy if you will.
The New Testament was originally written in koine Greek which was the language spoken by the Roman elite. Most Roman citizens spoke Latin.
The Roman elite were probably the most well educated people in all of history.
So much so we still read their literature 2,000 years later as well as erect governments with their ideals in mind. Latin was the language of the new Western elite up through the late 80s. In some ways it still is.The Catholic Church still exists as an extension of the Roman Empire and they still hate Jews. Because Jewish people are still there in 2021 questioning the validity of their book of Roman propaganda. The Jewish people are not Anti-Christian because they don’t believe in Jesus. They are anti Christian because the Romans hijacked their religious text, rewrote it and used it to persecute them with it for the past 2,000 years.
Now, African Americans are starting to see this same system begin a new cycle with them. It started 300 years ago and still hasn’t stopped. The religious Western Imperialistic right is the main faction oppressing African Americans in the US. Using a very familiar system of iconoclasm whereby they destroy and demonize anything from African American culture as wicked. They destroyed African American history as well as assassinating our cultural icons. They take control of the African American mind through Hellenistic beauty standards, state control (policing) and you guessed it media icons.
So let’s recap
Hellenism +Imperialism+Iconoclasm= White Supremacy
Beauty Standards +State Control+Icons=White Supremacy
You could even argue that they have evolved iconoclasm into two separate subsidiaries. Media icons and religious icons. Since media didn’t really exist during the Roman Empire.
African Americans are still forced to assimilate into the “empire” to champion “ Anglo Saxon morals and values.” Similar to how the Romans let people have religious freedom as long as they paid homage to the Caesar every year recognizing him as god. Obviously the Jewish people were the only culture who had within their religious text “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me” so thus the 2,000 year standoff between Roman imperialism and the religion of the Jewish people started.
People were forced to assimilate into Latin culture as the culture of the state but the Romans weren’t idiots. So they didn’t think your skin color influenced your ability to do this.
I went a bit out of order but Hellenism is the Greek worship of beauty. This is where the white supremacist beauty standards were developed in Western culture. Since part of the Greek worship of beauty was clearly sculpting statues of what they thought were beautiful white people ? A little weird, but the vanity of Narcissus is tied to the ego of self so I guess it echos even now.
Let’s also not forget a very direct link to religious state control and racism.
Racism was first officially codified into law in the 15th century by Europeans from Spain.
In 1449 rebels in Toledo, Spain, published an edict you’ve probably never heard of, but whose effects still resonate today. It was the first set of discriminatory laws based on race.
You probably know about the widespread mistreatment of Jews in Spain, even if your first thought when someone says “Spanish Inquisition” is a Monty Python sketch. But Spanish and Portuguese antisemitism isn’t just a historical artifact. According to historians like David Brion Davis, the Spanish categorization and treatment of Jews “provided the final seedbed for Christian Negrophobic racism,” and “gave rise to a more general concern over ‘purity of blood’ — limpieza de sangre in Spanish — and thus to an early conception of biological race.”
The discrimination against Spanish Jews peaked decades earlier, in 1391, when a fanatical priest incited anti-Jewish mobs with the slogan “convert or die.” A third to a half of the Spanish Jews — the largest community in Europe at the time — were converted to Christianity, the greatest mass conversion in modern Jewish history.
Christianity was a direct unique invention of Roman imperialism. It is not a spiritual book but a working arm of state control. Used in conjunction with Hellenism,Imperialism and Iconoclasm.
For the record I wish I had been born during the Roman Empire but only as an emperor of course and a well liked one. But even so,
Elagabalus is my favorite Roman of all time.
One of the most notorious incidents laid to his account, an extravagant dinner party in which guests were smothered under a mass of “violets and other flowers” dropped from above.
The scandals and excesses of the emperor apparently knew no bounds. In one account he is said to have amazed the Roman people with his naumachiae, simulated naval battles held in the Circus Maximus, with ships floating on wine to evoke the “wine-dark sea” of Homer’s Odyssey. Just as impressive were the elaborate processions in which chariots pulled by elephants, tigers, and lions scaled the Vatican Hill, trampling any tomb that lay in their path.
Elagabalus hugely enjoyed distributing presents or “chances” to the populace. One day it might be a fine piece of steak, another day a dead dog, or hundreds of gold coins, so that he could amuse himself watching the people scramble for them. The same source also relates how he might, on a whim, serve “food” made of wax, wood, stone, or marble. Once he is said to have rained down so many flower petals on his dinner guests that they almost suffocated.
As you can tell by my favorite figure these were not ancient less evolved human beings. Their wit still controls us 2,00o years later and so does their satire on religion. If anything we’ve devolved. Where are my ships floating on wine!