Why it is the ego of self. I’ve known this for quite sometime. Many white people struggle with their own identity because their identity had been constructed out of a myth. The UN and the American Anthropological Association put out a statement in 1950 and in 1998 that species within the human race do not exist. Race is in fact a myth. That creates a fundamental problem for white people because they believe they are a separate race. They also have been told to construct their identity around this myth. Attaching all sorts of other mythologies to it that just simply aren’t true.
But the most important piece you are missing is this. If racism exists then all the sudden they aren’t superior anymore. You see it is the superiority that is the crux this entire paradigm is hinged upon. Superiority and ego hand in hand. So when we speak of how badly we were treated in our primary schools by racist teachers many of them know that if they had to endure similar situations in their life they would have cracked under the pressure along time ago. So just by us speaking on what we have survived is a threat to their own invented ego’s perception of their own superiority. They know that the only way for their ego to survive the new information that black people are actually incredibly strong survivors rather than inferior to them. Is to either try and pretend they’ve survived the same thing placing us on equal footing with the same things survived or to deny it all together thus protecting their own superiority, identity and ego.
Let me show you how to get into a different dimensional understanding . We are going to look at white behavior in history from a different angle . The most famous example of their ego and vanity unchecked, Nazi Germany.
Nazi Germany was and still is the weirdest and most thorough representation of how people who are socialized to be white view humanity.
I’m going to look at the Second World War from a different perspective.
In the 1940s a cult of blonde people threatened to take over the entire world because they liked how blonde hair looks and they wanted for everyone to have blonde hair.
The British Empire stopped them because they had already taken over the world because they liked how blonde hair looks.
White people will go off on weird tangents about how there were so many more dynamics at play than this.. because this is what white people do.
When confronted with the ego they construct more layers of complexity around it as to protect the construction. In fact most humans do this in different ways but for white people their ego is attached to their perceptions of their skin, eye and hair color. As a black person are yours? Answer honestly to yourself. I really don’t think people of color have this problem. I could be wrong but I definitely don’t think my skin is anything other than just skin. I don’t assign weird fake mythologies to it nor do I think it makes me an invented race.
People forget that Europeans all over the world were watching the images and the ideologies that came out of Germany.
You want to know a secret most white people won’t tell you ? They liked it. Not all but most. For them in the 1940s and 50s seeing all those blonde people portrayed as superior and healthy most importantly, was not the collective way they thought of themselves until that time. In fact the white people in America liked it so much they started mimicking it. If you remember correctly before that time the images they portrayed on tv like silent films and such all had brunette hair mostly. Charlie Chaplin , The Little Rascals even The Wizard of Oz and Annette. But once they realized that Hitler had tapped into something fundamental in the white psyche all engines were a go.
They all had for centuries in the British empire married their own family members to keep their white Anglo Saxon blood pure. But decidedly sickly they were. The problem white people have is that if they aren’t a separate race than where do they come from ? Very few people are able to answer this question for them (which is why their belief in the myth of race continues to this day) but I can.
I’m going to show you something most people don’t know.
It is the origin of the white race.
The reason mainstream society tries to discredit all of Hitler’s ideas instead of just the wrong ones (which is almost all of them except for the research he did into the origins of white people). It is because if too many people go searching into his research they might accidentally stumble on this.
Hitler’s “Aryans”. “Aryans” are from India and they are actually born from brown skin Indian parents but they suffer from a genetic variation known as albinism. They are not a separate race they are South Indians with different types of albinism. There are 7 types of albinism and albinism actually encompasses red hair , green and hazel eyes.
There are two subtypes of OCA1. In OCA1A, the enzyme is inactive and no melanin is produced, leading to white hair and very light skin. In OCA1B, the enzyme is minimally active and a small amount of melanin is produced, leading to hair that may darken to blond, yellow/orange or even light brown, as well as slightly more pigment in the skin.
- OCA2, or P gene albinism, results from a genetic defect in the P protein that helps the tyrosinase enzyme to function. People with OCA2 make a minimal amount of melanin pigment and can have hair color ranging from very light blond to brown.
- OCA3 is rarely described and results from a genetic defect in TYRP1, a protein related to tyrosinase. People with OCA3 can have substantial pigment.
You see this is a problem . Most humans don’t know that there is more than one type of albinism but 7 types with subtypes. Albinos can be born with brown or red hair and have substantial pigment.
This is Pooja Ganatra
she was born to two brown skin parents in India. She has hazel eyes and red hair. She mistakenly wants a DNA test because she doesn’t know she is in fact the OG white person. White people didn’t produce her she produced them.
To this day India still has the highest prevalence of albinism of any region.
The vanity and superiority complex grew out from Hellenism in Greece. Many say the Hellenes were in fact a Teutonic “race” of people. Norse/Vikingr /Germanic tribes / Celts / Keltoi / Angles/Jutes/Saxons/Frisians all colorless Hindus.The Aryans moved out of India into the Hellenes bringing their Vedic Indian culture and albino mating practices with them. A peculiar practice of the albinos from India is that they in fact marry within themselves. One of the albino women said she sees her appearance “as a gift from God.” This statement sounds very similar to the statement that animated early British imperialism. The psyche of a white person is wrapped up in this statement. Which considering the way the societies are set up in the West that statement would make sense. But in India they live ostracized and many of them poor because of their appearance. It actually is reverse racism. Yet for them to be ostracized that badly and still see it as a gift from God points to some deep psychological attachment to their own skin , eye and hair color. All the albinos in that family are looking for albino partners.
Don’t think I would end this without a molecular biologist from Penn University confirming that Irish skin can be traced to the Middle East and India. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.irishcentral.com/roots/irish-fair-skin-origin.amp
The mutation, called A111T, is found in virtually everyone of European ancestry.
A111T is also found in populations in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent,
The pattern of people with this lighter skin color mutation suggests that the A111T mutation occurred somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.
This means that Middle Easterners and South Indians, which includes most inhabitants of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, share significant ancestry,’ Professor Cheng said.
Do you see ? Their Indian melanin still remains in some of them activated by sun.
I know white people will not want to hear or see this because again like I said they are personally invested in thinking of themselves as separate and superior. To see evidence that they are just Indians with a melanin deficiency will literally break their psyches. Being from a whole white race is a grand fantasy ! But just being an Indian with low melanin production is decidedly not going to seem as cool to most of them . So they will reject it out of vanity/ego even though the pictures alone are observable and repeatable evidence . Even without the scientific study actually linking them to India. This is why I’m trying to tell as many people of color as I can . We must all be armed with the truth of who we are and who they really are. We are all the same race of brown/black skin people it’s just some of us have a variance that turns off our melanin. Many people of color even if they claim to be out from under the brainwashing of white supremacy still can’t figure out in their mind why White people look so different from them. This causes many people of color to also see them as as a separate superior race by default. If we can get people of color to see them in their true appearance we can begin to bargain with the white power structure for when and how they will be forced to release this information to the mainstream to end the myth of race. If I end up missing or dead just know it wasn’t a suicide.
How likely is it that black people read the UN statement about the myth of race in the 1950s and finally got their head on straight. How likely is it that they realized they had been lied to and armed with the confidence of true knowledge of the situation started to sit wherever they pleased on the bus?
Questions I have asked myself many times.