Wow, it was crazy to see how calm the white cop was while the other white man got in his space and yelled at him.
Notice how they try to play the victim even while they are harassing?
He just called the black man a monkey and then said “both my parents are dead” trying to garner sympathy while being the aggressor?
I’ve seen white people do this before? Notice how he even wanted the black guy to hit him? Obviously he knows that if he gets knocked to the ground he can call the white cops to come save him.
It’s like a game.
I’ll threaten you ask you to hit me and then when you do I’ll call my mommy and say you were the bully.
I’ve actually witnessed this as a child. I was the only biracial kid in a 98% white private school. I’m only just now remembering it.
White kids would often bully me or pick on me and once I got tired of being pinched or hit they would then run to the teacher and claim I was the bully.
Something is wrong with them starting at the developmental stage of childhood.