Yes, exactly this. I’ve always said it. I do like a lot of Western culture. I was socialized in it and grew up in it. It has become a part of me over the years like most people.
But white supremacists have this ridiculous habit( fostered by academia here.) To start with the Greeks as the beginning of the entire world. I know they mention Sumeria and Egypt but white supremacists tend to grossly overestimate as well as focus on Greek and Roman culture. Yes, we have much more preserved from those cultures but that in no way means they were the most extensive or the most civilized or even made the largest contributions. The fact remains the wheel for that plow,Roman chariot and Ford’s model T’s came out of the Middle East and Sumeria.
It’s like they worship only the accomplishments of white people. Then wonder why people call them white supremacists. Well duh you’re ignoring mathematics came out of Egypt. You’re ignoring the bedrock of Egyptian wisdom that morphed into Greek philosophy. Aristotle compiled knowledge he wasn’t the originator of most of it. But all of your political tracts would have you believe that. Yes, he’s relevant to Western laws but he is not god. Just like Plato gained knowledge from older mysteries and wrote it down. Anyone who has really studied Plato in depth would know this. But they don’t. They maintain flat white supremacist and an uninspired understanding of Plato’s mysteries. As only one can do when they don’t study research and understand a subject. They just want to think about some really smart white guy with a beard and that’s enough for them.
You’re marveling only at chariots and not the Middle Eastern wheel because you think chariots were made by white people? What would you call it? “not white supremacy”. Oh it’s just history, it’s facts over feelings. Then why do you ignore thousands of other historical foundations that influenced the Greeks and other subsequent cultures?