Yes, I understand that maybe it’s not my place. But I still think it is important to challenge white supremacy as an ideology. I don’t think what I said was any less true or valid just because I have some proximity or whiteness to unpack even. I have proximity but I am not white and have never been mistaken for a white person either. From my understanding there’s very few people in the U.S black or “mixed” who do not have to unpack the conditioning of white supremacy and racism. I think I’m in the same boat mentally as many people. Though I do not have the lived experience of every single black person. I have my lived experience with blackness. I recognize you were sharing your experience and I did start out by saying I agreed with 90% of your post but the 10% I didn’t not agree with I mentioned. If you want to throw out what I said about the 10% I did not agree with, that’s fine.I will be more mindful in the future of where I should insert my opinion.