Yes, I’ve actually started to go back and read some of our founding documents. I’ve come to similar conclusions as you. There are many laws still on the books that actually sanction what we perceive as injustice now. For instance the preamble to the U.S Constitution clearly states that the freedoms belong to “our posterity.” Our posterity means descendants of. These Americans enjoy freedoms. No one else is covered.
Even though the descendants have seen it fit to try and marginally include people. You know we call them the “marginalized.” They have tried to institute their educational habits into the public school system. But over the years the public schools have lost most of it.
The class systems in the U.S and the U.K are based on education. It always has been. Those with enough education to live a life of liberty and those without these freedoms. Some would point to lands and family history as the real cause of these class designations. But in actuality have you ever seen an aristocratic who didn’t educate their children in a particular way? Think about it long and hard. Inheritance helps but have you ever really met a well off person who sent their kid to a failing school in the U.K or the U.S?
Of course there is a moral question to be determined about why a particular group gets to decide what constitutes a proper education.
Anyway if I had to guess Kyle is part of the posterity. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out Rittenhouse is an American posterity surname.
In fact, I decided to research it.
Here we are as I suspected:
I’m really not even supposed to be sharing this I suppose but what is happening to African Americans in the U.S is just wrong and can’t be defended. Most Americans know something fishy is going on with our justice system anyway. Might as well expose the truth so it can be dealt with. Someone else would have realized eventually.