Yes, paying people to love their jobs is an incentive. It doesn’t really work like that though. It’s more like if a teacher doesn’t use up all his/her mental and emotional resources on stressing over bills. He/She is then able to allocate those resources elsewhere. If you have a certain amount of resources and they are all being used in only one area there is less left over to use in other areas that you may need them. Over time it could become a cumulative effect where the resources are being all used up before she/he even gets to his/her first class in the morning.
Often the best teachers I’ve noticed come from family money. They don’t spend their hours off stressing over bills or finances. They spend their hours off out to dinner with friends because they have money to do so. They are constantly living and experiencing new things because they have the outside resources to do so. The best teachers I’ve known have all inherited family money. Or they have a partner who makes 150k plus. It’s not a dig it’s just an observation.
People don’t pick up their garbage because they don’t feel respected in their everyday lives. They don’t feel valued. So they pass on how they feel in other ways. They are respected by no one thus they respect nothing.
Its called mutual respect and value. If people feel valued and respected they then give that back to others. It is pretty elementary stuff but apparently CEOS can’t figure out how to implement that. Because as you said we as a society reward sociopathy. Because capitalism is perfectly tailored to the sociopath. Maximizing profits ( personal gain) over other people is literally sociopathy. We don’t have to look back but 70 years to see our government was run by psychopaths. We are a very sick society and the only way to heal is to remove the psychopaths from power. If you can’t figure out how to empathize with another human being you belong in jail not making 2 billon a year. I also don’t believe in jail or locking people up. Maybe we can send them to an island like Britain did. We need to redefine what it means to live and to be human. Anyone telling us it means money should be removed from power immediately.