Yes, you have assessed the real issue accurately. Everyone is looking to the most morally inept people to somehow blindly fumble their way to justice and freedom. They are incapable of managing the power and responsibility that they took by theft.
I pondered for a second if maybe I should add that perhaps it is the socialization that particularly white Americans experience that causes the real issue. Not their individual incorrectly functioning moral compasses.
But then I considered the few white people who understand and actually fight for restorative justice didn't get to those conclusions on their own. They had to listen to the opinions of other black people and once they heard the light of the human conscience speaking to them they then were able to recognize it in themselves and understand racism and injustice. Very few of them are actually able to ignite the light on their own without the help of the protestations of the marginalized to remind them it is wrong.
Yet, there are a well known handful that are able to do this.
I think about Charles Dickens for some reason. I mean white people even use to make children work to the bone in workhouses until maybe one or two white people with a conscience wrote about the conditions.
I can't say with certainty that their inability to connect with their conscience has anything to do with their melanin production levels but they appear to be linked.
Have you read the myth of Narcissus? Ovid is my favorite rendition of it.
Have you ever thought about how strange it is that teaching their children empathy is part of their child rearing practices?
I've noticed most black children just feel others emotions even as toddlers.
I hate to voice these things out loud because I feel as if it is dipping into racism reversed. But I do not think they are inferior I just think they need help with their conscience.
Notice how they put up such a fight just to get them to start thinking morally? It's as if their very being fights against the conscience of the self.
Do you think a lot of black people who steal because they are poor would continue to steal if they were handed idk 100k a year? Yet we notice how Wall Street execs and CEOS who make millions still feel the urge to deceive?
I wish I could sort this all out in my head something just doesn't add up. It looks like I'm back to the drawing board need to take more classes about why the status quo produces such immorailty.
I'm fully aware we are all the same race. All skin colors biologically stem from Africans.
Perhaps it is their refusal to accept their own humanity? They do cling to the myth of them being a separate race very tightly? Perhaps this is the root of the issue? Their inablity to accept their own humanity among their fellow humans?
It can't be tied to melanin production it has to be the way they interpret their melanin production that causes some disconnect in the conscience.