You do realize I wrote a comment underneath an existing article right ?
I wasn’t proposing a thesis I was asking questions to the original poster?
This whole ridiculous back and forth came about because you responded to me as if I had proposed a thesis?
It was not a scholarly article it was a comment under an article. That’s why you found my response in the “comment” section.
I understand reading accuracy is a big issue with a lot of people so next time before you assume I was proposing a thesis to be argued with. Maybe you should check where the words you are reading are listed under.
It’s sort of like I replied to an email from a family member and you responded to my personal email by trying to sell me a product.
Relevancy and context are important subjects and maybe you should study up on them.
Even with all that information in mind you still didn’t disprove any invented thesis you had in your head. Because you have still failed to grasp or even identify what the subjects of the questions I posed were.