You do realize what you said doesn't even make sense right? I think what you were trying to accomplish was an exchange of banter? Normally, when you are trying to counter someone's statement. You respond with something that makes sense and maybe even throw in a statistic or two?
Nice try, you get an E for effort? Your ego gets an A+ though.
I know what you are trying to imply but the way you said it was just hilarious. So what you are actually saying is that you can question someone else's lived experience?
Who gave you the authority to do that? Was it yourself with limited exposure to things like statistics and data?
I'm sure by now you are fully aware that the sociological and statistical data actually supports people of color's reports on their lived experiences?
Your worldview was probaby relevant twenty years ago. Now, you are just grasping straws. The data is out and has been out for the past ten to twenty years.
You see how sociology works is that they study sociological phenomenmna. White sociologists in the past were actually studying people of color's lived experiences. They did all sorts of things like conduct twin studies and adoption studies etc..
They looked at things like discrimination in hiring and found consistent patterns.
Race and racism is what we call a sociological factor.
This means it must be considered when interpreting data or stastitics.
I suggest you take a sociology course.
Then maybe you can come back and have a discussion with me about society. They use to require it as a core college class back in the 70s and 80s, I believe. This was back when Boomers were in school. So either one you're some bitter old man who didn't go to college or two you're just some kid who watches Fox news all day and plays minecraft. Let me guess the brown people are all taking your opportunities away because you were so bright and promising to begin with?