You seem to have forgotten that white people are the number one recipients of welfare in this country.
So the next time you flex your lack of education and say something like, “ I don’t want to pay someone else’s welfare/ handout.” Remember the face you should be picturing should have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Secondly, membership stats do not accurately reflect the number of white supremacists because white supremacy is an ideology not a country club. For instance major Hollywood studios that produce content viewed by 100 million + people every second have been found to hold white supremacist views. I don’t think the number of viewers racist media conglomerate boast is a small percentage.
White teachers “come for” African American children all year long. I was one of them a biracial child who was bullied by a slew of white adults at my white Southern Christian school. Most of them seemed to act out at random as a reaction to me outperforming the white students. I’ve noticed most white adults can’t help it. They see children of color as easy targets because no one will believe us. Lucky for them I recorded everything in my memory that they did to me as a child. Now as an adult I can finally expose them. I was also beat up and bullied by the white children (mostly female)as well. They must have been following their adult role models by bullying people of color.
All of this of course will fall on deaf ears because your conscience is broken. The main mechanism one needs to function properly to help them through life and decision making.
Sickness is what it is, listening to your conscience is the cure.